Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Landing and Launching: 101 Checkins and Checkouts: Installment #20

46 Four Elements

Preparation Time: Five minutes

Materials: None
l  Earth: Qualities: solid, grounded, permanent, stones, can be static or fluid when combined with fire, shaped by water and air
l  Air: Invisible but important, vital how much or how little determines our health
l  Fire: Can be cleansing or destructive, a warm friend in the cold night or a destroyer
l  Water: hail rain snow spring shower, a gentle brook or a crashing ocean wave, a devastating flood or a glass of water
Procedure: Explain the concept of the four elements

Notes:  Mastery of the four elements is a standard theme in any initiation story. The Harry Potter movie Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was essentially Harry being tested and mastering in turn each of the four elements. The sweat lodge ceremony of the indigenous people of North America always involves these four elements. The stones (Earth) are heated by Fire. When the stones are brought into the sweat lodge the person running the ceremony pours Water which allows the stones to release the oxygen (air).

Activity Credit: Inspired by Brad Stephens and Buck Ghosthorse

47 Sacred Religious Symbols

(a)    Cross or image of Jesus
(b)   Islamic Crescent
(c)    Star of David
(d)   Medicine wheel
(e)    dream catcher
(f)    Lotus or picture of Buddha
(g)   Image of Shiva or Kali
(h)    Rosary
(i)     Eagle Feather
(j)     AA/NA symbol
(k)   pagan oak tree
(l)     Egyptian ankh
Procedure: Prior to this activity instruct participants to refrain from judging or condemning others for their beliefs. My groups are well acquainted with this inter cultural standard of understanding. All (except the facilitator) are welcome to discuss their various faiths in an atmosphere of acceptance and tolerance.
 Using either cards or images of the above symbols ask students to select an image which best represents their spirituality.
Alternatives: Hand out 5x7 cards and colored pens and instruct participants to make a design which best represents their spirituality or higher power 
Notes: I gleaned this idea from a  bumper sticker popular out here on the left coast. It says COEXIST by using various religious symbols. There will often be an atheist who will take offense to this type of activity. I then offer a little education about the 12 step concept of a higher power which need not necessarily be religious or spiritual. There are also sometimes fervent believers of many stripes who cannot refrain from judging or preaching. In those cases I would not do this activity until your group has reached a high level of acceptance and tolerance for each other.

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