Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Razor Wire Chronicles: Breaking More Rules

I did it again. It could be a carefully calculated impulse control disorder. Is getting bored too easily at 50 an issue? Is wanting to keep things interesting an issue for myself or the residents or both?

A few days ago I brought some knockoff kendos to work play with after dodgeball. That may not have been the best idea. A few residents treat dodgeball like Armageddon. They became a litttle too involved in the outcome of the game.  I  put my kendos away for another day.

A few days later before yoga class I circled up the boys and started talking about awareness, paying attention, stillness and other classic warrior concepts. It helped that I showed "Peaceful Warrior" the night before. They were tuned in and they were ready. I jokingly asked the woman who monitors the cameras to turn them off for an hour or two. It seems like some of my activities make her nervous.

After a brief chat and frontloading about not wanting to get smacked in the head we began tossing the kendos around. This was something new and different: weapons or potential weapons inside of a secure facility!

There is something about being trusted that brings out the best in people. We threw the fake swords for fifteen minutes or so and then we settled into a long vinyasa yoga class.  The boys got it. Every day that something works is a good day.

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