Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Rant: Who Would Jesus Feed?

Like most Americans I quote the Bible to suit my purposes but know very little about it. I read the whole thing a time or two and I don't remember much but I do remember that story about Jesus dividing loaves and fishes up so a whole unexpected crowd got fed. That made a big impression on me.

Consequently I am flabbergasted when shortly after the Pledge of Allegiance (one nation under God) I hear a person who publicly identifies with the religion of the dominant culture question whether or not it's the school's job to feed children..


The logic of these tea bagger types is that if we provide money and food for these children, then it merely enables the parents not to do their job and feed their own children. A crasser version of this came from a now forgotten millionaire who said something to the effect that when we feed poor people they just multiply. So we shouldn't feed poor people.


In case you were curious about the dollar figures, here's a few stunners: The federal government spends 11 billion on school lunches and 2650 billion on the military....wars past, present and future....So following the logic of the conservative faithful perhaps we need to quit funding the military so much......After all, if we do, they will just breed and multiply.

Have a good weekend. Namaste  Jeff

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