Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Landing and Launching: 101 Checkins and Checkouts: Installment #19

44 Twelve Disciples

Preparation time: 10 minutes or enough time to familiarize yourself with the characteristics and personality types of the disciples
(1)    Peter: Had a temper, founded the Church
(2)    Simon: Sometimes dogmatic and zealous, rebelled against established government
(3)    James: Slow to believe but became a leader of the early church
(4)    Andrew: Something of  a homebody the comforts of home
(5)    John: Favorite, most beloved
(6)    Philip: The organizer, calculating and precise
(7)   Bartholomew-Nathaniel: Tactful, represents innocence and sometimes naivety 
(8)    Thomas: Famous for doubting (perhaps a visual learner), a skeptic but once convinced is firmly on board
(9)    James: A great teacher, took the lessons and  translated them to the masses
(10)                        Matthew: Politically savvy and socially oriented
(11)                        Thaddeus-Jude: An early community organizer who was concerned with poverty and economic justice
(12)                        Judas Iscariot: Universal symbol of betrayal and the consequences: Really the most powerful symbol for kids of short term gain and long term loss.
(1)   Give a brief interpretation using the above guidelines or your own church's understanding of the twelve disciples.
(2)   Ask participants to choose the disciple which is the most like them.
(3)   Participants can share in depth or not at all why they feel the most like that particular disciple.
(1)   Give participants a little more time after they have chosen and ask them to find Bible verses which show the characteristics of the disciple they have chosen.
(2)   Add New Testament figures to the above list. It is decidedly male. Consider adding Mary the Virgin and Mary Magdalene.
Notes: Some perhaps overarching speculators assign astrological signs and their corresponding meanings to each of the twelve disciples. While this is interesting speculation there is no way to prove or disprove this theory. The personalities and characteristics of the disciples can, however, be gleaned from the New Testament. I provide here my own brief interpretations which are of course viewed through my unique lenses on the world.
Activity Credit: Inspired by Paul Picket


Preparation time: Five minutes

PIES is a back pocket check in that keeps participants in a grounded state of awareness

Materials: None:
Procedure: Draw a circle on the board and divide it into four sections. Starting in the upper left hand corner label the quadrants as follows: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Spiritual
Physical: Are we paying attention to our bodies? How are we eating? Are we getting enough sleep? Are we exercising a little every day? Do we have injuries or diseases that prevent us from living fully?
Intellectual: Are we continually expanding our knowledge? Do we have new hobbies? Are we reading any stimulating books? What captured your attention in school this week? Did you master a subject you're been struggling with?
Emotional: What emotions have run through you this week? What emotions are you still hanging on to? Are you comfortable with how you have expressed emotions this week? Have you suppressed emotions? Have you exploded? Are you storing emotions in your body?
Spiritual: Have you connected with your Higher Power, God, Allah, Creator, Wakan Tanka, Ancestors this week? Have you been to church, synagogue, mosque, temple, long house, the river, the mountain or wherever it is that you find connection? Have you read a sacred book or a daily meditation text. Have you done a selfless act for another creature?
Alternatives: A shorter and simpler alternative is the Mind, Body, Spirit model which can be found in the symbol of Alcoholics Anonymous. 
Activity Credit: Lynn Duus

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