Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Integrated School Health Tip #4: Chair Pose and Forward Bends

If you have followed these school health tips so far you can continue with using the time after the Pledge of Allegiance and during the bulletin to squeeze in a little yoga. If not refer to integrated school health tips 1 and 3 where I cover Mountain Pose and Volcano Breath.

From Mountain Pose we raise our arms high with our elbows by our ears and squat low so our bodies resemble chairs. We hold this pose which some also call Powerful Pose for three to five breaths and then fold forward into a forward bend. In forward bend we activate our leg muscles, tuck the belly button back toward the spine and reach our hands towards the ground.

Let's review our Pledge of Allegiance/Morning Bulletin Vinyasa

  1. Mountain Pose
  2. Volcano Breath
  3. Chair Pose
  4. Forward Bend
Repeat five times .

This seemingly simple sequence will invigorate both you and your students.Volcano Breath increases the level of oxygen available in the lungs which in turn stimulates brain activity.Chair Pose combined with a forward bend warms the leg muscles and counteracts the negative effects of long periods of sitting. Placing the head below the heart stimulates the brain as well. This creates a calming and invigorating flow of blood to the brain. Alertness is the end result. I timed this sequence.It takes five minutes or less!

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