Monday, November 1, 2010

Landing and Launching: Installment #5


Preparation Time: none to considerable
Materials needed: None, Hot wheels type cars or pictures of fantasy vehicles
Procedure: Ask students to choose which car best shows the type of day they would like to have.
Alternatives: Distribute art supplies and ask students to create a car that is most like them.
1)      Although it may sound a bit sexist to say this activity is preferred more by younger boys.
2)      This is an activity that is best done when a group is still forming. It's safe and introduces the concept of feeling states without going too deep too fast.
3)      Adult alternative: Ask adults to tell the group about their first car.


Preparation Time: None
Materials: None
1) Ask students what movie best represents their life to date
1)      Ask students which movie character most resembles their life story so far.
2)      Ask students to select a video game which best represents their life.
Questions for older or advanced groups
(1)   If your life/day so far was a movie what would the title be?
(2)   Who would play you?
(3)   What parts of the script would you change?
(4)   What parts of the script would you keep?
(5)   If you wanted to write a movie for your future or the rest of your day what the title be?
(6)   What would the script be?
This activity is deceptively powerful especially for student who grow up in challenging circumstances. I often find that children who have few venues for emotional expression will identify with movie or video game characters. If they feel powerless they will gravitate towards powerful characters who are fearless in any situation.


Preparation Time: 30 minutes or the rest of your life. Collecting images for processing can be addicting. Although you can quickly assemble many images just by cutting out magazines you may find yourself asking the dentist or doctor if you can cut out an image from the magazines in their waiting room. More importantly you get to laminate!
Materials needed: 40-50 images on laminated cards (If they are not laminated plan on them being disposable.)
1)      While the students are seated in a circle toss the cars one at a time into the center of the circle.
2)      While students may want to grab cards right away encourage them to wait until they can see all the cards.
Suggested Framing:
1)      Pick one card for how your morning went.
2)      Pick one card for the best thing that happened today and one card for the worst thing that happened today (week).
3)      Pick one card for how you would like your day to go.
4)      Pick one card that summarizes your week.
I am sure you will have if you don't already a ready source of images but here are some of my favorites to get you started.
Off line:
1)      In the meditation and wisdom sections of the Yoga Journal you will find wonderful art that is generally 3x5.
2)      Celestial Seasonings and other specialty tea companies have beautifully contemplative art on many of their tea boxes. If you don't drink tea ask among your staff.
3)      Post Cards
On Line:  
1)      Screen Beans: If you haven't met the screen beans yet you will be delighted. They range from simple to complex and powerful emotions. They climb mountains, surf and even salute the flag.

To Buy:
1) No processing book would be complete without mentioning Steve Simpson's Chiji Cards.
Activity Credit: Some parts of this activity were inspired by Jennifer Stanchfield’s conference presentations.

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