Friday, October 29, 2010

Election Thoughts: Five Simple Problem Solving Steps

Well, I have voted. It wasn't easy. I am embarrassed for my country with this last election. Leaders on both sides are acting like middle schoolers. Hold it! That's an insult to the middle schoolers I work with. In the hope and interest of eventually being part of an enlightened civil democracy where people actually work together to solve problems I am offering these five simple steps to problem solving to all of these politicians who must have been skipping school when somebody tried to teach them this stuff:

  1. Ask: What is the Problem?
  2. Brainstorm: What are some possible solutions?
  3. Choose: Choose one or several solutions to try.
  4. Decide: Which solution seems to work best?Look at all the options and pick one.
  5. Evaluate:After you have tried one or more solutions evaluate what you have just done 
Sheesh! It seems so easy and simple when I teach this stuff at school. I have to add some other information which politicians might find helpful. Here are some additional tips for problem solving:
  1. No Suzy/Bobby,  that you think so and so is a  (choose your favorite slur) is not the problem.
  2. We choose options based on the merits of the idea, not the popularity of the person who presented that idea.
  3. We try to stay from rigid thinking based upon our own preconceived perceptions and beliefs.
So many people skip right to step 5 which  we all know is a big mistake. Facilitators call this the Ready, Fire, Aim approach. Yep it's simple....Maybe too simple. Well at least I can say I tried. Maybe somebody could forward this to the Democrats and Republicans?

After, and only after you have tried some reasonable solutions

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